Inspiration for your journey to God!

Month: October 2015 (Page 2 of 10)

Unity and Variety

Today I opened the bible to 1 Cor. 12:1-11.  As I pondered the message, I felt relieved.  It dawned on me that I presently experience a sense of freedom as a result of my daily spiritual practices and this passage expresses a concept I recently came to grips with.  Let me explain.

I have spent many years of my life striving for perfection. I worked hard at my studies to obtain perfect grades, to make it to the top (society’s definition of success), I did all I could to be the perfect daughter, wife, friend, sister, aunt & Christian, just to name  a few.  I wanted to be good at everything – cooking, cleaning, baking, exercising – and I wanted to do it all! Looking back, I realize that my effort was an exercise in futility!  Who was I kidding?  Not only is seeking perfection NOT my purpose, it’s just not doable.  We, as humans, will NEVER be able to meet our own expectations, let alone someone else’s!

I have to admit, for many years my life was spent in competition. I felt like I had to be better than everyone at everything, but that was my ego holding me captive.  I can’t remember exactly when I had the epiphany, but one day I decided to give up the fight.  I realized that I wasn’t, nor did I have to be, better at anything.  I have been blessed with my own gifts and talents, which no one else in this world possesses and it is my job to discern what they are and use them to the best of my ability.

I believe, this scripture passage is telling us just that – don’t try to be something you’re not, don’t try to be like someone else – if you are, you’re wasting the gifts and talents that only you possess.  Paul tells us “to each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” In other words, use YOUR God given gifts, they were given for a purpose.  Focus your attention on what that purpose is, instead of focusing on being someone you weren’t meant to be.

Acknowledging that I don’t need to do it all, that I don’t need to be perfect, has provided me the time and space to discern my purpose in this life.  It has given me the opportunity to be truly present and aware whatever the circumstance.  What a blessing- it’s like putting on a new set of eyes and ears!

What can we take away from all this?  We are all unique beings.  In our separateness we represent variety, but it is only through our UNITY that we can attempt perfection!  We are being called to perfection, united in one Spirit! God bless you!

P.S. – As I was surfing the web looking for good messages and sites to share, I stumbled upon, a site dedicated to spreading kindness.  Check it out, become a member, take a challenge, share and earn some smiles and karmabucks!  It’s very encouraging!  Great for kids!



gratitude-511028_1920I’ve learned that an attitude of gratitude is transforming.  An attitude of gratitude truly helps me to remain joyful in good times and unfazed and peaceful during trying times.  I haven’t always possessed this attitude of gratitude.  Do I fall short at times?  Of course I do – but there is a sense of awareness that comes with the attitude that brings me back to my center much quicker than before.  The various practices I write about in this blog have helped me to cultivate the attitude of gratitude and keep me focused on the positive.  Meditation and contemplation on the Word have especially helped.

I read somewhere that the result of meditation on the body and mind can be likened to a movie screen – you can play different movies on the same screen and the screen itself remains unchanged.  In other words, through meditation we become centered and whole, so much so that NOTHING can change us, nothing can affect us!  Isn’t that encouraging?

Here’s a little something on gratitude I found (I couldn’t have said it better myself):

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance; chaos to order; confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.   – Melody Beattie

Click here to watch a moving video on gratitude shared in Vision and Viewpoint, a weekly e-newsletter by Joan Chittister one of my favorite spiritual writers.

I hope you are inspired to try meditating!  Peace be with you.

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