Inspiration for your journey to God!

Month: March 2016 (Page 3 of 5)

Wednesday of Holy Week



Wednesday of Holy Week is known as “Spy Wednesday” because this is the day we contemplate Judas and how he conspired to betray Jesus.  I decided to write an acrostic poem using the name of Judas as a form of contemplation.  As I worked through the letters in the name, I came to the realization that Judas is contradiction in true form.  My original thought of Judas was the familiar negative view.  He is the person responsible for Jesus’ capture and ultimately His death.  I then switched gears and decided to view him with the eyes of mercy because the God I know is a merciful God.  When I focused on mercy, I began to see Judas as the apostle who was aware of his role in salvation history, an apostle who was willing to take the heat, literally and figuratively, in order for God’s will to be done.  I hope you enjoy the poems.

Negative  view                                             Positive view

J – jealous                                                        J – just sticking to salvific plan

U – undeterred                                            U – unwavering

– despised                                                 D – daring

A – adversary                                                A – abdicating apostleship

– selfish                                                         S – sacrifice

When I started writing this post, I never intended to create two different acrostic poems.  However, as I sat contemplating the person of Judas, I wondered if he was really ALL bad.  Something told me the answer was no.  I was reminded of God, the creator of all things good.  We were created in His image and likeness, therefore, we, the children of God, all possess good qualities, regardless of how difficult they may be to see at times.  My challenge to you:  the next time you find yourself focusing on the negative qualities someone possesses, switch gears and focus on the positive.  No one is perfect, but there is good in all of us!  God bless you!

The spiritual offering of prayer

Spiritual offering

Spiritual offering

In my post of March 3 Prayer is the offering in spirit I shared the words of Tertullian, priest.  I promised to share some thoughts – so here they are.

“God is a spirit, and so he looks for worshipers who are like himself.”  God is a spiritual being and so expects us to relate in the same manner.  How we relate is through prayer!  How we pray is up to us – whether we recite a prepared prayer (our own or one taught by the Church), whether we “shoot from the hip”, whether we contemplate, meditate or just sit silently in His presence.  I don’t think God cares as much about how we relate as He does about whether we do it wholeheartedly.  There are different levels of spiritual maturity and so not everyone will pray in the same manner.  God’s ultimate desire is for us to be in right relationship with Him.

The first paragraph that touched me from Tertullian’s treatise was this one:  since God asks for prayer offered in spirit and in truth, how can he deny anything to this kind of prayer?  How great is the evidence of its power, as we read and hear and believe.

Prayer offered in spirit in truth” – honest to goodness heartfelt pleas and praise – that’s what that means to me.  To sit without thoughts or distractions, in His presence believing that He is listening and believing that He loves you unconditionally and has your best interests at heart.  THAT is when prayer has the power – the power to comfort, strengthen and heal!

“How can he deny anything to this kind of prayer?”  Isn’t that comforting?  Our God is an awesome God.  He loves us more than we can imagine.  He answers the prayers we offer in spirit and truth.

“How great is the evidence of its power as we read, hear and believe” – I’ve believed in the power of prayer since I was a little girl – watching my mother pray fervently for so many things and seeing God take hold each and every time.  She believed in a higher power and she was confident He would come through for her each time and He did.  She never ceased praising Him, knowing that all good things come from Him.

Tertullian writes about how we’ve read, heard and believe in the evidence of its power.  How true that is!  So many books have been written about the power of prayer – the power of a praying wife, the power of a praying mother, the power ……..We’ve heard in many different circles of the power of prayer.  Scripture itself tells us:  where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  How awesome is that!  I know I preach about the power of prayer every chance I get because I’ve experienced it myself, in the past and just recently.  But it’s not enough to just read and hear about it.  We MUST believe in its power.  Colossians 4:2 tells us:  devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.  If you have any doubt about the power of prayer, I would recommend you keep a prayer journal.  Write your prayers in the journal each day and check back every once in a while to see HOW those prayers have been answered.  I can guarantee you will doubt no more and your awareness of God’s goodness and grace will increase.  It will change your life!  You may have to keep a gratitude journal as well!

As I look back on my life and the prayers I’ve offered in spirit and truth, I realize how much God has heard and answered the prayers I’ve offered earnestly and wholeheartedly for others and in communion with others!  Never underestimate the power of prayer! God bless you!

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