Inspiration for your journey to God!

Month: July 2017 (Page 1 of 3)

Everything I need to know I learned from kayaking


Everything I need to know…

Everything I need to know I learned from kayaking!  Crazy right?  I don’t really mean that literally, but I have learned some valuable lessons from kayaking.  Just the other day, I had the privilege of taking my kayak out on the lake.  It was something I hadn’t done for quite some time.  The reason I don’t go out as often as I’d like is it isn’t something that interests my husband.   Anyway, he gave in to  me the other day and I was happy that he did.  During our conversation about my love for kayaking, he asked me what the “lure” was?  His thoughts were:  it’s work, you can’t swim and you’re out there all alone.

For me kayaking is one of those things that I do and enjoy but never really put much thought into.  So, of course, since I was asked what the lure was, I decided to really give it some thought.  I realized the lure had nothing to do with the act of kayaking and everything to do with the benefits.  For me, kayaking is a small-scale retreat.  It’s something I can do when I don’t have a full weekend or week to retreat.  Kayaking gives me the opportunity to unplug, be alone with nature and with God.  It gives me the opportunity to feel His Presence on a deeper level without distraction.

Think about it, there’s really nowhere to go on a lake.  You can paddle to the middle, the far ends or along the shoreline but there’s  nowhere you “need” to be.   Anywhere you go is peaceful, quiet and an opportunity to revel in God’s creation.  For the time that I’m out on the lake, I think of nothing else but the present moment.  It’s just me and Him in the silence and beauty of creation.  There’s power in stillness on that lake!   THAT’S  the lure!

When I went out on the kayak, I realized it was not as calm as in the past.  This meant more paddling for me if I wanted to keep the kayak straight and actually get somewhere.  At one point I reached an area of the lake where I decided I was going to stop paddling and let the current take me wherever.  I must have sat for 15 minutes without paddling.  In those 15 minutes, my kayak remained still and centered.  Being in that stillness and not having to work to get anywhere was so peaceful.  The sun shining on my face made me smile.

Lesson #1:  Peace and joy come from giving up resistance and remaining centered on Christ.

I couldn’t resist the feeling of being out on the lake, so I decided to go back the following week.  This time, I decided to paddle along the shoreline and keep a lookout for wildlife.   I figured I’d take my phone – not for communication purposes – but for access to a camera just in case I saw something interesting.   As I coasted along the shoreline, I saw a few turtles hanging around on driftwood.  I reached inside my pocket to find that my phone was missing!  Where could it have gone?  I put it in the pocket of my life vest before I took off.

Lesson #2:  Don’t forget to zip up the pocket after you put your phone in!  LAUGH OUT LOUD!  What happened exactly?  As I put my life jacket on, my phone fell into the lake (I didn’t realize this until my dad replayed a video he took of me paddling out).  Bummer, right?  WRONG!

The lesson for me is God’s is always calling. I find that there are often ideas and thoughts that pop into my head. I know God must have placed them there because they’re not usually something I would think of on my own.  For example: I had been thinking about what it would be like to detach from some things in my life.  In particular, I was thinking of my cell phone.  I was too attached.  Checking emails, texting, browsing Facebook, etc.  I found myself being consumed by this darn “smartphone” and distracted by being too easily accessible to the world.

The thought of detaching from my cell phone came and went.  Each time, I had an excuse for why it wouldn’t work out for me to get rid of my cell phone.  The truth of the matter is I really don’t NEED it, I just wanted it.  It makes my life easier having everything I want at my fingertips.  So there went the thought of detaching several times, UNTIL……………..I was forced to.  Then the message came in loud and clear – YOU NEED TO DETACH!  So I have.  One week later, the phone has not been replaced and I do not miss it.  As a matter of fact, I’m less distracted and anxious and feel free as a bird.

So the real lesson #2 – Listen to God’s whisper because the lesson is going to come regardless of whether you’re willing to listen or not.  A whisper is so much better than a thump on the head.

Before losing my phone I was falling for all available cultural distractions (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, emails and texting).  I was one of those people who needed to respond to an email as soon as I received it.  I expected the same in return.  My obsession with checking my phone left little time for the other things I wanted and needed to do.  While I still made time to pray, I didn’t pray as much as I would have liked.  I certainly didn’t have the time I needed to be inspired, let alone inspire others.  While I knew something needed to change, I refused to believe it could.  How wrong I was!

Lesson #3 – detachment from the distractions of this world will allow you to lead a Christ centered life.  I’m reminded of the Medieval Wheel of Fortune which illustrates and states vice versa “a Christ centered life will ‘detach’ you from the fast edge of the wheel.”

I understand how truly blessed I am to have a life that affords me the opportunity to give up my cell phone “cold turkey” and be ok.  I understand that it’s not so easy for most, such as parents or business owners.   The truth of the matter is cell phones haven’t been around forever and yet parents were able to raise children without them and business owners were able to run their businesses without them.

Are there any thoughts coming to you that you’ve been ignoring?  Is there something in your life that you know is a distraction from all that is good?  Are you willing to listen to God’s whisper?  Will you try to fully detach from at least one worldly distraction?  Try kayaking.  God bless you!

Psalm 118 – from an exposition by St. Ambrose

Psalm 118.  Here is another great excerpt I came across in my reading of the Liturgy of the Hours a few weeks ago.

My father and I will come and make our home with him.  Let your door stand open to receive him, unlock your soul to him, offer him a welcome in  your mind, and then you will see the riches of simplicity, the treasures of peace, the joy of grace.  Throw wide the gate of your heart, stand before the sun of the everlasting light that shines on every man. This true light shines on all, but if anyone closes his window he will deprive himself of eternal light.  If you shut the door of your mind, you shut out Christ.  Though he can enter, he does not want to force his way in rudely, or compel us to admit him against our will.

Born of a virgin, he came forth from the womb as the light of the whole world in order to shine on all men.  His light is received by those who long for the splendor of perpetual light that night can never destroy.  The sun of our daily experience is succeeded by the darkness of night, but the sun of holiness never sets, because wisdom cannot give place to evil. 

Blessed then is the man at whose door Christ stands and knocks.  Our door is faith; if it is strong enough, the whole house is safe.  This is the door by which Christ enters.  So the Church says in Song of Songs; The voice of my brother is at the door.  Hear his knock, listen to him asking to enter:  Open to me, my sister, my betrothed, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is covered with dew, and my hair with moisture of the night.

When does God the Word most often knock at your door? – When his head is covered with the dew of night.  He visits in love those in trouble and temptation, to save them from being overwhelmed by their trials.  His head is covered with dew or moisture when those who are his body are in distress.  That is the time when you must keep watch so that when the bridegroom comes he may not find himself shut out, and take his departure.  If you were to sleep, if your heart were not wide awake, he would not knock but go away; but if your heart is watchful, he knocks and asks you to open the door to him.  

Our soul has a door; it has gates.  Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, eternal gates, and the King of glory will enter.  If you open the gates of your faith, the King of glory will enter your house in the triumphal procession in honor of his passion.  Holiness too has its gates.  We read in Scripture what the Lord Jesus said through his prophet:  Open for me the gates of holiness.

It is the soul that has its door, its gates.  Christ comes to this door and knocks; he knocks at these gates.  Christ comes to this door and knocks; he knocks at these gates.  Open to him; he wants to enter, to find his bride waiting and watching.

God bless you!
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