Visio divina with the visitation revisited
It’s been a while, but I haven’t forgotten! Boy did I wear myself out with those daily Advent reflections. What the heck was I thinking? God only knows. For now, let’s get back to Visio Divina with the Visitation Revisited. Here are my thoughts on this image of the Visitation:
wombs of love
Heart shaped wombs – the children were conceived in love for a predestined purpose. Think about this – anything that is conceived in love, be it a person or thought or deed is done for a predestined purpose. I say this because anything conceived in love has it’s origin in God as God IS love!
walking together
Walking together side by side – Elizabeth and Mary are depicted walking side by side, comforting one another. This speaks to our call as Christians to walk with each other with compassion and love, comforting and supporting each other on the journey of life. Notice that the women are not speaking. They’re simply “being” with one another. Often-times we get caught up in trying to come up with answers and solutions to someone’s situation when, in fact, all the person needs or wants is for us to be present to listen.
wisdom and energy
Then there’s the connection between young and old – Elizabeth is way beyond child-bearing years and Mary is just a teen. We can deduce from this that Elizabeth has the wisdom Mary lacks and Mary has the energy Elizabeth lacks and together they have what it takes to survive this stage of their lives.
The one thing is three
We see the Holy Spirit in the background just waiting. I’m thinking He’s just waiting to be called upon. He’s always at the ready, waiting to be called to be our advocate and guide. We also see three branches on the tree – could that be a symbol of the Holy Trinity?
What I found interesting in meditating with this painting is that the story of the visitation is historical and the painting itself is contemporary. The message is timeless!
called to be
Further in the background, we see Zechariah holding a sign that reads: His name is John. This made me think of all the different ways there are to witness to the Gospel. It spoke to me about the different vocations and gifts we each have. We are all different and unique. We are not called to be like someone else. We’re called to be ourselves. Some are called to act, some are called to speak and some are called to write, among other things. Do it – just BE YOU!
Lastly and along the same vein, I noticed that Elizabeth’s womb was bigger than Mary’s. John the Baptist looks quite energetic in the womb while Jesus seems poised and still. To me this depicts what was to come – an energetic loud, rebel in John who SPEAKS OUT and a silent, humble Jesus who leads by example. Each one different, each one unique and yet they both had a role to play.
living our purpose
What is your purpose? What role do YOU have to play in this life? When will you figure it out? Have you figured it out? Remember – everyone’s purpose doesn’t become clear at the same time. The Visitation should be our clue of that. Be patient. Remain open. Call on the Spirit for guidance, He’s waiting.
God bless you!
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