It’s hard to believe twelve days have passed! Not only did I have so much fun with audio divina but I had so many epiphanies while listening.
This experience has taught me a few things. First, there’s no limit to what we can use to stimulate spiritual growth and ignite our prayer life. Use music, movies, books, pictures. Use them everywhere – at home, in the car, at work during break. Second, we CAN pray without ceasing and NOT be overwhelmed by it. Lastly, I have a new appreciation for my little Jeep. I realized yesterday, as I prayed the rosary and listened to evening prayer and Christmas music, that it’s a mobile chapel. It’s my place away from home and outside of church where I can be alone, undistracted and inspired to tears! Thanks be to God for THAT epiphany!
So today, on the 12th day of Christmas and last day of audio divina, I share Born in Me, the song that brought me to tears in my mobile chapel last night. I cried tears of joy just thinking about how awesome our Lord is and how close He really is to us!
The tiniest spark grew into a flame that erased the dark! THAT’s was spoke to me! The reason for hope! But not only that – it reminded me of our faith journey. What starts out “small”, a little spark, can be fanned into a flame. Ponder what that means. Flame, fire, Spirit, hot, engulfing! I encourage you to fan the flame – use everything at your disposal- music, movies, literature, pictures- to grow closer to God! He does not disappoint! God bless you!
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