This Advent I’m working through the Rejoice! series again from Ascension Press. I’ve been doing it for a few years now. Each year I’m exciting to spend extra time each morning to pray through Scripture, guided by Fr. Mark Toups through videos and reflections. I thoroughly enjoy journaling about how Jesus has spoken to me through a particular Scripture verse. I’m especially blessed to be praying through the series with my sisters in Christ. How vital they are to my spiritual growth.
This Monday of the first week of Advent we were guided to pray with Psalm 63. “So I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory.” That’s the verse that stood out to me. I immediately thought of the times I sit in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Oh how Jesus’ power and glory look so different than the power and glory of our world.
What exactly does Jesus’ power and glory look like? Silence, surrender, obedience, trust, understanding and love. That’s what Jesus’ power and glory look like. These are the “weapons” Jesus uses to transform hearts. Therein lies his power and therein lies our power as well.
How often we feel the need to “convert” others who may not be on the same spiritual path as us. This verse made me realize the power we have to transform the hearts of others as Jesus did.
I never thought I would promote the idea of being passive aggressive, but stay with me! How can we emulate Christ today? How does silence, surrender, obedience, trust, understanding and love translate to our lives, here and now 2,000 years later?
SILENCE: DO less and BE more – less talking and more of a witness.
SURRENDER: allow people to be where they are on THEIR spiritual journey. God Himself is the great allower. God doesn’t control, why do we feel the need to?
OBEDIENCE: how often do we fail in following the Lord perfectly? Let’s consider our own obedience or disobedience not someone else’s.
TRUST: can we truly trust that God has a plan for everyone? Did he not promise that not one of his sheep would be lost?
UNDERSTANDING: some of Jesus’ last words were “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Isn’t that true for us now? We know not what we do because we’re all wounded. In fact, we act out of our wounds. Our wounds cause us and others pain. Understanding this makes it easier to forgive. Forgiveness is necessary for healing. Pray for healing in Jesus’ name.
LOVE: Ultimately we are called to love. Love conquers all fear. We MUST stop arguing or trying to prove we’re right and start loving like Jesus loves…..unconditionally.
Jesus PROVED these things powerful. While they may seem to us to be actions too passive to lead to someone’s conversion, prayer is the only active role we need to play. That is how to be passive aggressive and THAT is very good!
In fact, it just dawned on me that all these little “crosses” God gives us in the form of loved ones are God’s way of leading US closer to Him. Think about it – all the time we spend praying fervently is time spent in His presence, in conversation and relationship! Praise be to God!
I challenge you to be passive aggressive! Pray more, grow in God’s love, be and let be! God bless you!
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