Inspiration for your journey to God!

Category: Journey (Page 19 of 117)

Marana Tha – Come Lord Jesus!

Marana Tha!
Marana Tha! Come Lord Jesus!

Marana Tha

Marana Tha – Come Lord Jesus! The countdown continues and the anticipation is REAL! The O Antiphons are in full swing and today we call out to Emmanuel, God with us. For me, this is the most exciting time of the year. I may have written this in the past, but I am “readying” my house for the most important visitor of all time. The decorating that I started in early December is reaching a crescendo with the introduction of the Christmas Tree (which I will begin to decorate on Christmas Eve).

The prep

Every year at this time, I begin to do an inventory. What needs dusting, cleaning and organizing? There is no corner of the house or piece of furniture left unturned! I’m consciously preparing to receive Jesus into my home and heart!


This Advent season for me has been different in that my prayer, reading and prep work has included more imagery than in years past. The last week of meditations in Rejoice has focused more on imagining oneself in the scene as opposed to reading a particular part of Scripture.

Giving birth

In my weekly contemplative group meetings, we’ve been doing lectio divina with the upcoming week’s Gospel. Last week, we discussed the Gospel of the Annunciation and one of our members gently guided us to imagine the angel Gabriel speaking to us about giving birth to Jesus. How do we do that in this day and age? Wow! Thanks KK!

Making room

Just yesterday, I read a meditation that spoke about Joseph and Mary not finding room in the Inn and what they must have been feeling and thinking. No room for Jesus to be born. I immediately imagined that being a challenge for us today. Is there any room in our busy lives for Jesus to be born, to grow, to take up residence permanently? Are you preparing for a day or are you preparing for a person, a Savior?

Something to ponder

So on this day before Christmas Eve, we still have time to ponder the room, both literal and figurative, we’ve prepared. We still have time to prepare for the birth of Christ, as Mary and Joseph did. Make room, clean “house” and prepare to receive, in your heart and home, the most amazing gift in all creation! Call to Him – Marana Tha! Come Lord Jesus!

Merry Christmas! God bless you!

Finding God in every moment and everything!

Where do you find God?
God is everywhere!

Finding God

Finding God should be quite easy. But where can we find Him? This morning I sat in my Mary garden praying the rosary and meditating. The photo above was my view from where I sat. I was focused on nothing in particular and eventually felt a welling up in my soul. It was almost as if God was communicating with me through the trees and offering me a warm hug. I knew, in that moment, that my stillness allowed God to reveal himself to me. One peaceful moment lead to another and I was reminded of a song my husband played for me recently. I knew I had to share it here. It’s an awesome song by Larry Fleet.

That’s Where I Find God is the perfect song to ponder where we find God. The truth is He is everywhere, within and without, in every moment. God is in the event, in the conversation. He is in the sound and the silence. God is in YOU! Can you find Him? Do you feel Him? Are you giving Him an opportunity to reveal Himself to you? Do yourself a favor -take some time today to ponder the question: Where do I find God? God bless you!

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