Inspiration for your journey to God!

Category: Journey (Page 3 of 117)

Healing and redemption

I have an image outside my bedroom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Every morning I consecrate myself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As I gaze on the images, I contemplate their hearts. First, I contemplate Jesus’ Sacred Heart and the love He has for His family despite the pain they’ve caused Him. I always beg Him to transform my heart, to mold my heart to be like His: loving and forgiving. Then I contemplate Mary’s Immaculate Heart and the love she has for each of her children despite what they did to her Son and the pain they’ve caused her. I always ask her to lend me her heart. A heart so humble and pure. Today’s contemplation included more.

Last night I participated in a Lenten Mission offered by my parish. There was a speaker by the name of Bart Schuchts from Church on Fire Ministry. He talked about the major dysfunction he experienced in his family growing up. The beautiful message he expressed by the end of his talk was how healing and redemption was manifest in him and his family after he gave his heart to Jesus.

So this morning’s prayer before the Sacred Heart of Jesus was a little different. I prayed for Jesus to heal and redeem my family and those closest to me. What I received in my prayer and contemplation was: that is exactly what He came to do and I have to trust that His life was truly given as a ransom for many, including my family. In the midst of my contemplation, what I also received was the idea that in Scripture we hear of Jesus’ genealogy. When we listen to the names of the people who were Jesus’ ancestors we hear of alot of dysfunction. ALOT!!! But Jesus became man to be the conduit to heal and redeem them.

How does God continue to work in the world? He strategically places His people where they need to be to continue Jesus’ work of healing and redemption. You and I are the conduits. These are the days that we, by the grace of God, can be the conduits to Christ’s healing, peace and redemption in our families and in the world.

So today I offer it all up as I prepare to fast for the entire day in the hopes that my prayer for forgiveness, healing and redemption can become a reality through God’s grace. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen! Will you fast with me? Do whatever your circumstances allow. You’ll be amazed at how God works in your life when you do. Check out the video below which discusses the power of the fast! God bless you!

The Message of Medjugorje

Answering the call

Recently I had the privilege of traveling to a small village in Bosnia-Herzegovina called Medjugorje. Each year tens of thousands of pilgrims travel to this village. Why, you ask? Because over 40 years ago 6 children claimed to have seen the Blessed Virgin Mary appear to them. She continues to appear to three of the six to this day. You can read all about it here.

I have to admit I knew very little about Medjugorje prior to scheduling my trip. In all my years as a Catholic, I hadn’t heard of it until just several years ago. All I knew at that time was the flyer hanging on the door at the back of the church was calling out to me. I immediately went home and sent an email requesting more information. If I remember correctly, I think I reached out just in time because the deadline was the following week.

I’m not writing this to give a detailed history of Medjugorje. You can get that from the link I’ve shared above. I will say, be mindful of the things you read online and where they come from. There are many sites out there which contain false information about the place and the visionaries. The reason I write is to share what I learned and encountered while there in the hopes that it will inspire you to pray more and consider visiting this beautiful place.

While there our group had the opportunity to stay with one of the visionaries and participate in a question and answer period. We also had an opportunity to listen to the parish chaplain, a religious sister and a convert speak. They all shared the messages of Mary summarized in what they called The 5 Stones:

  1. Pray – the rosary every day. Not just one but all the mysteries – the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous.
  2. Attend mass as often as possible.
  3. Confession often – at least once a month
  4. Read Scripture daily; and
  5. Fast – on bread and water, if possible on Wednesday and Friday. If bread and water is too much to ask, then fast from something – maybe one meal, meat, television, technology, social media, etc.

Listening to all the speakers at Medjugorje confirmed the sense of urgency I recently began to feel about the need for intercessory prayer. I’m so grateful I answered the call. Most of us often pray prayers of petition. But this pilgrimage drove home the importance of praying for things outside ourselves and our personal “world.” We have to begin to pray fervently for the whole world. In particular, our Catholic Church, our priests, deacons and nuns, our youth, the family unit and world peace. As a matter of fact, I’ve begun to pray a chaplet for peace, in addition to the rosary – another one of the messages received by the visionaries. The chaplet for peace consists of one Apostle’s Creed, 7 Our Fathers, 7 Hail Marys and 7 Glory Bes.

I have to share how inspiring it was to witness the faith of the locals in Medjugorje. Other than those who worked in the evening, it seemed like everyone participated in the 3 hour evening program of the parish. The evening program ran every night and consisted of confessions, the rosary, mass, adoration and veneration. The church building was packed to standing room only and often times there were people outside participating as well. It was commonplace to see people walking down the road during the day praying the rosary. Every taxi had a rosary hanging from the rearview mirror. Everyone was living the messages of the Blessed Mother and the peace of the place was palpable because of it.

I encourage you to take the time to read more about the history of Medjugorje and I hope you’ll implement the 5 Stones into your daily prayer routine. Whether you believe the Blessed Mother is appearing in Medjugorje or not, the power of prayer is undeniable. Will you join me in prayer? This world needs warriors! Will you answer the call? God bless you!

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