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Category: Meditation (Page 12 of 19)

Diversity in Community

Today I read an old reflection from the Center for Action and Contemplation written by Richard Rohr which I thought was true, inspiring and timely.  In this reflection Richard Rohr, through various quotes of others, challenges us to stretch our selves beyond our comfort level.  He gives us great examples of what it means to stretch ourselves beyond the familiar.  If you haven’t subscribed to his website, maybe after reading this you’ll be inspired to do so.  The link is on my Resources page.  So here it is – enjoy!


“Most of our churches are rather homogeneous.  Yet church, of all places, should be inclusive and reflective of our diverse and complex world.  Shane Claiborne describes the all too familiar scene:

We are always most comfortable around people who are like us.  I think that’s true of almost any human being.  For those who have been in a majority population as white, middle class folks, we have to be extra deliberate about putting ourselves in places where we are a minority.  Maybe we should worship where we’re a minority, where we can hear the Gospel with new ears.  Martin Luther King, Jr., lamented that eleven o’clock on a Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in America.  That must break the heart of God, that we often reinforce segregation rather than the reconciliation and the diversity of the Kingdom.  Some of that doesn’t change in our congregations until it changes in our living room and at our dinner tables.  We really have to begin having relational friendships that stretch us.  And we also have to challenge the systems of privilege and racism.

Christena Cleveland, one of our presenters at this year’s CONSPIRE  conference, acknowledges that diversity is challenging.  Cleveland writes, ‘in racially diverse churches, I can’t control the environment…..People might worship in ways that make me uncomfortable….People might not be able to relate to my experience as a black woman….People might hold perspectives that shatter my worldview.’  Being in community with those who are somehow different than us challenges our familiar ways of knowing, doing, and being in the world. It forces us to see things differently and thus to change our attitudes and behaviors.  Diversity in community also helps us recognize our own selfish preferences for ease and comfort.  If we’re truly going to follow Jesus, the way will not be easy or popular.  As Cleveland writes, Jesus ‘was so passionate about creating a diverse family with us that he crossed metaphysical planes, abdicated his privilege, morphed into physical form, and spent 30 years on earth just hanging out with us – all the while knowing that his pursuit of diversity would ultimately cost him his life.’

Observing nature, we see that diversity is essential to balance, wholeness, and resilience.  Ecosystems thrive when a variety of species of plants and animals nourish each other.  Diverse environments are much stronger and less susceptible to pests and disease than mono-crop fields.  The world is a relational system full of complex inter-dependence among very different creatures.  If we want sustainable communities, we must always welcome the “other” and learn to see our neighbor as ourselves.  Without it, we do not have community at all, but just egoic enclaves.”

Richard Rohr, Center for Action and Contemplation, Daily meditation of April 22, 2016

Amazing references, especially the one about Jesus!  WOW is all I could say.  As Christians, we spend a lot of time in praise and thanksgiving, we spend a lot of time praying for others and for ourselves and we worship as much as we can.  The reality is, we do all of this in the hope of becoming more like Jesus – in the hope that when we become more like Him, we please Him, we console Him, we show Him how much we love Him.  In short, we love Him so much that we want to be like Him.  In that same vein, if we want to be more like Him then we have to be willing to step outside of our comfort zone and practice what Richard Rohr talks about – diversity in community, love your neighbor as yourself.  Can we practice together? God bless you!

The Spirit gives life

The Spirit gives life


The Spirit gives life!  Another great reflection from my morning prayer The Divine Office taken from a book on the Holy Spirit by Saint Basil the Great, bishop.


Our Lord made a covenant with us through baptism in order to give us eternal life.  There is in baptism an image both of death and of life, the water being the symbol of death, the Spirit giving the pledge of life.  The association of water and the Spirit is explained by the twofold purpose for which baptism was instituted, namely, to destroy the sin in us so that it could never again give birth to death, and to enable us to live by the Spirit and so win the reward of holiness.  The water into which the body enters as into a tomb symbolizes death; the Spirit instills  into us his life-giving power, awakening our souls from the death of sin to the life that they had in the beginning.  This then is what it means to be born again of water and the Spirit:  we die in the water, and we come to life again through the Spirit.

To signify this death and to enlighten the baptized by transmitting to them knowledge of God, the great sacrament of baptism is administered by means of a triple immersion and the invocation of each of the three divine Persons.  Whatever grace there is in the water comes not from its own nature but from the presence of the Spirit, since baptism is not a cleansing of the body, but a pledge made to God from a clear conscience.

As a preparation for our life after the resurrection, our Lord tells us in the gospel how we should live here and now.  He teaches us to be peaceable, long-suffering, undefiled by desire for pleasure, and detached from worldly wealth.  In this way we can achieve, by our own free choice, the kind of life that will be natural in the world to come.

Through the Holy Spirit we are restored to paradise, we ascend to the kingdom of heaven, and we are reinstated as adopted sons.  Thanks to the Spirit we obtain the right to call God our Father, we become sharers in the grace of Christ, we are called children of light, and we share in everlasting glory.  In a word, every blessing is showered upon us, both in this world and the world to come.  As we contemplate them even now, like a reflection in a mirror, it is as though we already possessed the good things our faith tells us that we shall one day enjoy.  If this is the pledge, what will the perfection be?  If these are the first fruits, what will the full harvest be?

God bless you!

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