I sit at the table today, bible open, pen in hand, thinking I’m ready to listen to how God wants to speak to me today. As I sit and ponder, I notice a heaviness in my heart. For some reason, I am less than enthusiastic today, nothing is “sticking”, my patience is thin and my attention span is close to nil. I’m even finding it difficult to sit still long enough to meditate, so I just sit at the table, looking out my front window. It is then, as I notice the majesty of the trees that line my driveway; it is then, as I glory in the beauty of the changing seasons; it is then, as my eyes begin to well up with tears, that I realize God has been speaking to me all morning. God has been telling me to SLOW DOWN – forget about the routine of your day, just BE and feel My Presence! Be still and know that I AM GOD! How grateful I am for the opportunity to be still – it brings me great comfort. There is no guilt in sitting still in the presence of the Almighty.
We know that God is everywhere and in all things. But when I am moved to tears for no apparent reason, I know that He is all the more present, super close, speaking to me! When that happens, I can imagine myself sitting beside the best friend anyone could ever ask for, enveloped in His arms as He whispers in my ear: “I love you, I am here, all will be well!”
Take some time today to be still, let go of your routine, practice listening skills. Do you feel His presence around you? How do you imagine it? What do you hear? Share your images! God bless you!
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