Inspiration for your journey to God!

Category: Meditation (Page 19 of 19)

My latest retreat

Recently I had the opportunity to go to Erie, PA to spend time in retreat at Mt. St. Benedict, a monastery of Benedictine nuns.  What a warm, gracious, welcoming community! My friends and I felt so blessed to have had an opportunity to share in their liturgies and to share meals and conversation with them.  While there,  I picked up a small book entitled God Speaks in Many Tongues by Joan Chittister.  In the book Joan Chittister takes 40 sacred texts and shares a meditation.  Here is one I found quite poignant:

Meditation 12

In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church where I kneel.

Prayer should bring us to an altar where no walls or names exist.

In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church that dissolve, that dissolve in God.

– Rabia, Sufi

Religion is the toxin that too often poisons the idea of the God in whose name we speak.

When we use religion to divide, to demean, to assert our own superiority, then we have made ourselves our religion.

Then God is shamed and, possibly, ignored.

Then no one with a right mind could possibly believe what we believe.

Good for them.

– Joan Chittister

We often  wonder why so many people have lost their sense of faith and no longer seek the comfort and direction of the Almighty.  This meditation challenges us to look in the mirror. What are we doing to welcome them back?  Are we displaying attributes of ourselves that will make people say: “I want what they have”?  If we aren’t, then we definitely should.

We are all connected

I recently wrote about the bible verse 1 Cor. 12:12-13 One Body, Many Parts.   On my meditation page, I mentioned Fr. Justin Belitz, the person I credit for my becoming more consistent in my meditation practice.  He has many CDs available, which I think are great.  One in particular coincides with the idea written in 1 Cor. 12:12 and that is Ho’oponopono.  Take a look here to download this and many other guided meditations.  You will see two downloadable versions, one is the explanation for the practice and the other is the experience. I would recommend downloading both, this way you will hear how we are all connected and what we can do to affect change in the world.  Peace to you my brothers and sisters!

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