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Category: Meditation (Page 9 of 19)

Making Christianity Relevant Again

Making Christianity Relevant Again

The Lord Bless You!

Making Christianity relevant again.  Isn’t that what all Christians want?  Yesterday’s first reading at mass was from the Book of Numbers 6: 22-27.  It reads:  The Lord said to Moses:  “Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them:  This is how you shall bless the Israelites.  Say to them:  The Lord bless you and keep you.  The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.  The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!  So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them.”

At the time, the Israelites were a “stiff-necked” people.  Regardless, God had a plan to turn their attention back to Him and to bless them.  Today, we are surrounded by many whom we can liken to the Israelites of Moses’ day.  This passage should make us hopeful that positive changes are possible.  It should also help us realize our priestly role in society.  We too, like Aaron, can invoke God’s name upon His people today and He will bless them.  Isn’t that encouraging?

I think of all the people in need of prayer, searching for peace. I carry their names in my heart.  Now, with great hope and humility I pray this prayer, simple yet profound, confident that God will bless them and give them peace.

I often recommend Richard Rohr’s books and his website Center for Action and Contemplation (  I subscribe to his daily meditations and would highly recommend them, if you’re not already subscribed.  Each year he chooses a theme and his meditations for the year coincide with that theme.  This year’s theme is “rebuilding from the bottom up.” To follow (in italics) is yesterday’s meditation.  I hope it inspires you to subscribe to  I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Making Christianity Relevant again

What will make a difference to the future is awakening to a faith that fully communicates God’s love—a love that transforms how we believe, what we do, and who we are in the world. —Diana Butler Bass [1]

Our religion is not working well. Another year has ended—a new year begins—in which suffering, fear, violence, injustice, greed, and meaninglessness still abound. This is not even close to the reign of God that Jesus taught. And we must be frank: in their behavior and impact upon the world, Christians are not much different than other people.
The majority of Christians are not highly transformed people, but tend to reflect their own culture more than they operate as any kind of leaven within it. I speak especially of American Christians, because I am one. But if you are from another country, look at the Christians where you live and see if the same is true there.
Let’s be honest: religion has probably never had such a bad name. Christianity is now seen as “irrelevant” by many and often as part of the problem more than any kind of solution. Some of us are almost embarrassed to say we are Christian because of the negative images that word conjures in others’ minds. Young people especially are turned off by how judgmental, exclusionary, impractical, and ineffective Christian culture seems to be. The church seems hostile toward most science (the objective outer world) and thus unable to talk about its inner dimensions with any authority. As we saw in the recent U.S. election, Christians overall showed little prophetic or compassionate presence.
Most Christians have not been taught how to plug into the “mind of Christ;” thus they often reflect the common mind of power, greed, and war instead. The dualistic mind reads reality in simple binaries—good and bad, right and wrong—and thinks itself smart because it chooses one side. This is getting us nowhere.
Throughout the history of Christianity, it would seem Jesus’ teaching has had little impact, except among people who surrendered to great love and great suffering. Could this be the real core of the Gospel? Such people experience God rather than merely having disconnected ideas about God. We need the mind of mystics now to offer any kind of alternative—contemplative or nondual—consciousness. We need practice-based religion that teaches us how to connect with the Infinite in ways that actually change us from our finite perspectives.
We must rediscover what St. Francis called the “marrow of the Gospel.” It’s time to rebuild from the bottom up. If the foundation is not solid and sure, everything we try to build on top of it is weak and ineffective. Perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise that so much is tumbling down around us. It’s time to begin again. This will be our new Daily Meditation theme: rebuilding from the bottom up.


Auspiciously, this year is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s important attempts at reform.
In the year 1205, Jesus spoke to Francis through the San Damiano cross: “Francis, rebuild my church, for you see it is falling into ruin.” If Jesus himself says the church is falling into ruin, I guess we can admit it also without being accused of being negative or unbelieving. Maybe we have to admit it for anything new and good to happen.
Through these daily reflections I will delve into the meaning of Christianity’s powerful “first principles,” or essential elements, in this order: God as Trinity, the Cosmic Christ, the life and teaching of Jesus, and other teachings of Incarnational and Mystical Christianity. Even if you aren’t Christian, I hope you will find universal principles here that you can apply to your own spiritual journey.  – Richard Rohr, January 1, 2017

Let’s all tune in to see how we can start rebuilding Christianity from the bottom up.  Let’s pledge to make our contribution this year.  Let’s make Christianity relevant again.  God bless you!

Too good not to share

transform and expand hearts

Love as God loves!

“Too good not to share” – that was my thought this morning after reading the meditation of the day I received from The Catholic Company Morning Offering.  It has an email subscription service available, if your interested.  Check out my Recommended Resources page for more information.

Excerpt taken from Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe:

We might say the whole mystery of our redemption in Christ, by his Incarnation, his death and his resurrection, consists of this marvelous exchange:  in the heart of Christ, God has loved us humanly, so as to render our human hearts capable of loving divinely.  God became man so that man might become God – might love as only God is capable of loving, with the purity, intensity, power, tenderness, and inexhaustible patience that belong to the divine love.    It is an extraordinary source of hope and a great consolation to know that, by virtue of God’s grace working in us (if we remain open to it by persevering in faith, prayer, and the sacraments), the Holy Spirit will transform and expand our hearts to the point of one day making them capable of loving as God loves.

Next week marks the start of a new year.  Need a New Year’s resolution?  How about working towards transforming and expanding our hearts to love as God loves!?  God bless you.

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