Devotion to Mary

“Woman behold your son!”


Devotion versus worship.  This is usually a topic of conversation when discussing the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Yesterday the Catholic Church celebrated the memorial of the Presentation of Mary.  I was reminded by one of my sisters in Christ that yesterday was also the anniversary of our consecration to the Blessed Mother four years ago.    I can’t help but believe that my growth in the past few years is a result of my consecration, which I have renewed every year since that first time.  When I think of Mary I think of her humility and grace and I am in awe.  I can only hope!  I imagine her gently guiding me, as a mother does, toward her Son.  The subtle tenderness of a mother who only wants what is best for me.  Wow, thank you and Amen!

Many people don’t understand the importance of Mary’s role in salvation history and what devotion to her means.  Some simply refuse to “worship” Mary because it goes against what the Bible teaches and that IS true.  But devotion to and worship are two totally different things.

I came across this meditation produced by  It so beautifully explains what devotion to the Blessed Mother is all about.  Please take the time to watch and meditate on what it shares and consider making your consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  It will change your life! God bless you!

P.S.:  As you prepare for Advent, maybe you might want to consider getting Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book, 33 Days to Morning Glory and use that retreat guide (less than 2 pages a day required reading) and end with the consecration around Christmas time.  I think this is a perfect way to settle down once a day and get away from the craziness of the season.  Remember the reason!