Today I chose a simpler more contemporary piece. While this one doesn’t have so many characters in the scene I felt it had a lot to “say” about the role we play in our family, community and world.
Conduit of faith
Joseph stands close by Mary’s side and he is looking to her. This scene reminded me of the statues of Joseph in a few of the crèches I saw in area parishes. As I pondered Joseph’s gaze, it occurred to me that Mary was a conduit of faith for Joseph.
Spotlight on Mary
Mary is the protagonist in this painting. All eyes, even Jesus’, are on her. The more I think about it, the more I get the sense that Mary is the conduit of faith, hope and love for everyone in the scene – her husband, her son, her neighbor.
I look at the shepherd in the doorway and he looks to me like a gatekeeper, like he’s keeping watch at the entrance of the hut. The hut and who’s within it are symbols of faith, hope and love.
God speaks
My interpretation of this painting is we all are called to be conduits of faith, hope and love in the world. At the same time, we’re called to be gatekeepers. We keep watch in our families, communities and world and we offer our prayers where we feel they’re needed most and we encourage others in faith by our example.
Don’t be discouraged
It’s easy to get discouraged or feel like we’ve failed in some way because our family and world are not Christ centered. But we should remember that God is in control and His ways are not our ways. Never underestimate the power of prayer! Keep praying – pray without ceasing!
Your best is good enough
When I was a teacher, I remember telling my students that doing their best is all they needed to concern themselves with. Some of them would get so discouraged when they got a 75 on their test. But sometimes, no matter how hard they tried, 75 was all they could muster. I’d try to make them understand that if they studied as they should have and did the best they could then they shouldn’t beat themselves up for achieving that 75.
Keeping the faith
The same holds true for us. We shouldn’t be discouraged at life’s unfolding in a way we didn’t expect. Instead, we should ask ourselves: are we focused on being the gatekeeper of the faith? How are we doing at being a conduit and example?
One can only hope
No matter our circumstance at any given moment, we must remain steadfast and dedicated to keeping faith, hope and love alive in our families, communities and world while acknowledging our limitations. Everything else is up to God!
What do you see in this painting? How does it speak to you? Share your thoughts. Merry Christmas! God bless you.
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