Inspiration for your journey to God!

Tag: discernment

Powerful lessons from the trees!

Lessons from the trees are quite powerful! It’s been just one month since I promised myself I’d be more aware and present. As you would imagine, it’s an ongoing process and constant unfolding. Of course, I’ve faltered along the way but I’m remembering to be tender with myself. I’m acutely aware that every single moment is a new opportunity to course correct and start over and it’s okay.

This morning, after my prayer and meditation time, I decided to sit outside in my hot tub under the stars and relish the morning stillness. After a few moments, my eyes zoned in on the forest of trees before me. I was drawn in by their majesty. Each one so tall – symbols of life and strength. I thought about how still they were, all in their designated place, simply being what they were created to be, serving their purpose. On the surface they appear separate and individual but deep down they’re all connected by their roots.

One thought led to another and I began to think of humanity. I made the connection. We too are capable of being majestic. We too are meant to stand tall as symbols of life and strength – not in an arrogant way but in a way that shows our confidence and trust in the grace and mercy of God.

So my challenge for myself today is to continue working on presence but take it a step further and learn from the trees. In my presence, I will consider the following:

Do I take enough time to be still?

For me, being still is more than not working and curling up with a good book. It’s about taking time to sit in silence, with no distraction of thought or action. This is the time we get to hear God truly speak. This is the time we allow God to work in and through us. If you’ve never done it before, it is extremely uncomfortable and may even feel like a waste of time but nothing could be further from the truth.

What is my “designated place” at any given moment?

I want to see God everywhere and know that He is with me. I want to see Him at work in everything I do and everywhere I am. This is the only way to experience true joy and happiness in this life. What better way to do that than to recognize that He has placed me or at least led me to “this place” in my life. Wherever I am, whatever destination, whatever situation, I will consider an act of Divine Providence.

Am I’m being what God created me to be IN THE MOMENT?

God created us to be many things: to be loving, compassionate, kind – think gifts and fruit, as mentioned in the Bible. He created us to be good stewards and light and salt of the earth. I can go on and on. These are all things we have in common, not to be confused with our own unique gifts and talents. Each day we’re called to be one thing or another for the betterment of the world. I will consider where I’m being called each day.

Am I serving my purpose at any given moment?

When I used to think of what my purpose was, I always thought about what SPECTACULAR thing I was meant to do in this life. Today, as I wrote, it became clear to me that discernment is our purpose. Discernment is the culmination of all the work we put into the stillness, silence, presence and awareness. Purpose is not to be confused with role. For example: your “role” in life may be to be a mom but your purpose in life is to discern how you should act at any given moment. Our purpose is to be aware enough to see where God is leading and then use our unique gifts and talents to complete the task. Unique gifts and talents are not our purpose – they’re the means to an end. Our purpose is to figure out how, where and when to use our gifts and talents – that’s discernment!

How we’re all connected

Finally, I’m most excited to consider that no one in this world is separate from me. I believe this consideration has the power to transform me and make me a better human being. Like the trees WE ARE ALL CONNECTED! I’m connected to that person in my life who is difficult to love or that stranger I can so easily judge and even that person whose values seem in direct opposition to mine. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED, helping each other grow, nourishing, teaching and guiding. You’ve been placed in a person’s path for a reason and vice versa – be it a family member, friend or total stranger. It’s not a coincidence your paths have crossed. Consider why?

Powerful lessons from trees!

Everyone and everything belongs, is enough and worthy of love. God says so! Will you join me in this month’s challenge?! God bless you!

Our God is with us always – He never leaves!

Our God is with us
Emmanuel – God with us!

Our God is with us always – He never leaves! This Christmas day I think about the holy family and their experience that first Christmas day. No room at the inn, Mary in pain after just giving birth, a newborn baby and an exhausted Joseph.


What resilience! They were faced with discomfort, exhaustion, lack and uncertainty, yet they managed it all with humility. I meditate on a nativity scene I received as a gift and notice the characters. They are unassuming, accepting, selfless, obedient, trusting, peaceful, joyful, caring, loving and protective.

our mother

I see Mary, attentively looking at Jesus who is wrapped in swaddling clothes. I think of her motherly instincts kicking in. She wrapped him in warmth and comfort. Mary cared for her son and provided for him in the most inconvenient, uncomfortable scenario. As our spiritual mother, she does the same for us. No matter our situation, Mary is there to provide warmth and comfort.

patient strength

I think of Joseph and the journey he just completed. I’m reminded of my walk on the Camino de Santiago this past summer. I remember how exhausted I was each day after walking 15-17 miles. At the time, I was responsible only for myself and most of those days I knew where I was going to lay my head.

I specifically remember my 25 mile day on the Camino. I walked with an awful blister and was coming to the end of my day. There was a very short period of time where I had trouble finding the hotel. Although it was only about 5 minutes, it felt like forever. I was growing frustrated, doubtful and hungry.

I imagine what Joseph had to endure – total exhaustion, possible hunger, a pregnant wife giving birth, the uncertainty of bringing a child into the world (and not just any child) and no place to stay.

When I look at my nativity scene, I notice Joseph looks overwhelmed with love and concern for his family. Unlike my experience on the Camino, his focus is the “other”and not himself. Come to think of it, it was NEVER about himself. Joseph was selfless.

fear not

Lastly, I focus on the shepherds that first Christmas. For me, they represent all disciples of Christ. Initially they fear the angels. However, they remain engaged long enough to hear the angels proclaim, “DO NOT BE AFRAID.” They remain engaged and follow the guidance of these messengers of God. I think this is a message for us to be still, discern God’s will and call on Him for guidance.

So much to glean from these characters. There are reminders and examples. We are reminded that Mary is our spiritual mother who is warm and comforting. As the spouse of the Holy Spirit, we can turn to her in confidence.

We have an example in Joseph to be selfless, patient and strong no matter what. The shepherds provide a reminder AND example. A reminder to call on God for guidance and an example of what it takes to discern God’s will.

not just one day

A few days ago, I reviewed my Advent journal. The task was to review past entries and determine how God spoke to me this season. Here’s what I came up with: Every year on Christmas day we remember the birth of Emmanuel – God with us. Truth is, God is with us always so, in reality, every day is Christmas!

Will you open your heart to feel His Presence within? Can you open your mind to maintain the spirit of Christmas throughout the year? Remember our God is with us always – He never leaves!

Merry Christmas and God bless you!

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