Inspiration for your journey to God!

Tag: faith (Page 2 of 3)

Until He comes again!

Until He comes again!
Until He comes again!

Today we begin a new season in the liturgical year – Advent.  It’s actually the beginning of a new year in the liturgical calendar, so Happy New Year!  In the past I’ve written about some of the beautiful Advent traditions of the Catholic Church (check them out by typing “advent” in the “categories” section and my previous posts should come up).  I’ve written about ways to prepare for Christmas – Jesus’ first coming.  Today I’d like to focus on ways to prepare for Jesus’ second coming.

Just two days ago the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of St. Andrew, one of Jesus’ first disciples.    I sat and read the Gospel for the day (Matthew 4:18-22 and decided to do a lectio divina.  At first glance I thought, there’s not much to chew on here – Jesus says to Peter, Andrew, James and John, “come follow me.”  He says the same to us.  Done, right?  NOT!  I wasn’t giving up without a fight, I knew there was more to glean, so I kept at it.  Sure enough the Holy Spirit provided, as it usually does.  I asked myself, what did it take for these 4 men to give up everything they knew, all of their comforts, to follow Jesus at the drop of a net?  It took faith, sacrifice and trust.


Peter, Andrew, James and John had not only heard of Jesus, they personally witnessed His power.  Shortly thereafter they were called and followed.   They must have believed that Jesus was “the Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  God said “listen to Him” and they DID.  They possessed the faith they needed to make the Trinity a priority in their lives.


Talk about sacrifice!  I would find it very difficult to walk away from my family – no questions asked.  Could I “drop my net” and leave my loved ones in the middle of the sea without asking questions?  Probably not.   I would need answers. Even when I got answers, I’m not so sure they’d be enough to leave it all behind.


How obvious the trust these men had in the Lord!   They heard His voice, they listened and they followed.  They knew nothing about what to expect, they knew nothing about where they were going and they knew nothing about when or even if they would return to their normal lives.  What they DID know was that this man they called Jesus was worth following and that He would not steer them wrong!  


This Advent I would like to take a different approach to the season.  Actually, I’d like to add my own tradition to the beautiful traditions of the Church.  I’m still going to patiently wait to decorate for Christmas.  I’m still going to focus on the reason for the season. I’ll pray with my Advent wreath and Jesse Tree.  However, I will also take stock of how much faith and trust I have in the Lord and how much I sacrifice to follow Him.  

 Advent is one of my favorite seasons. I absolutely love preparing for the coming of Jesus.  I literally feel like I’m sprucing up my house for a special guest to arrive on Christmas day and in a way, I am.   However, reading Matthew’s Gospel made me think of something else.  As Christians we believe that Jesus will come again, right? So how am I preparing my “house” for His second coming?  How am I preparing my soul for Jesus to take residence there?  In keeping with the theme of faith, sacrifice and trust, here’s what I’m thinking.

Practicing DEEP faith

This week, in his homily on the Feast of St. Andrew, the deacon talked about some powerful words the Bishop uses during ordinations.  While holding the book of the Gospels together with the priest or deacon to be ordained the Bishop says “believe what you read, teach what you believe, practice what you teach.”  Isn’t that what deep faith is all about? 

This Advent maybe we can think about whether we TRULY believe what we read in the Gospels. Do we read them enough?  Do we teach what we believe?  Teaching what we believe looks different for everyone, but how are we teaching what we believe?  Is it even important to us to teach what we believe? More importantly, is there integrity in our teaching?  In other words, are we practicing what we’re teaching?

Being counter-cultural

In today’s world and especially during the season of Advent (which the world mistakenly believes to be the Christmas season) –  sacrifice is not on anyone’s mind – in fact, overindulgence is.  So how can we sacrifice for Christ this season? We wait more, we spend less in order to teach what we believe – that the reason for the season is Christ, not gift exchange.  How can we sacrifice the rest of the year?  By stepping out of our comfort zone and doing more for Christ even when it’s inconvenient, even when we have our sights on something else.

Surrender all

This is a tough one.  Trust goes hand in hand with surrender.  How difficult that is for us humans, especially if we’ve been “graced” with the need to control.  These past few months I have been actively focusing on trusting the Lord with my life.  I believe it has everything to do with the book I just finished reading entitled Forty Weeks (I know I keep mentioning it but it has changed my life).  

So for me, in order to focus on trusting more, I have to make a conscious effort to invite the Holy Spirit into my daily life.  I have to invite the Holy Spirit into my prayer, into my thoughts and into my decision making.  This is not easy, but it CAN be done.  We just have to be aware, awake and conscious of the present. We cannot let ourselves be distracted with worry, anxiety or thoughts of the past or the future.  

Will you join me this Advent season?  Will you slow down and take stock of how well you are preparing your soul for the coming of Christ? How deep is your faith?  Are you willing to sacrifice for the one who sacrificed for you?  Will you trust that whatever He wills for you is infinitely better than anything you can ever control into being for yourself?  What are you going to do until He comes again? God bless you!

Divine Providence

my boysI was thinking the other day about the things that I write and the advice that I give to friends and family when they’re going through tough times.  I realized that what I offer may not always be well received because sometimes things don’t turn out the way we expect or the way we want.  Then come the questions.  I kept thinking, how can I help people understand the importance of trust in God and do I really practice it myself?  Well, of course, when I opened my bible that day, it led me to the book of Job. Job 38:1-41 to be exact.

We are all familiar with the story of Job, a righteous man who endured suffering as a test of his faith and integrity.  He questions God through it all.  He cannot understand why he, a righteous man, has been subjected to such fate.  How often do we experience things in life that lead us to question:  Why is this happening?  How do I handle this?  What did I ever do to deserve this?  We see God respond to Job, but He doesn’t answer his questions.  Instead He responds to Job by basically asking:  Who are you to question my plans?  He accuses Job of being a know it all!.  He admonishes Job and begins to question Job about all of creation.  He challenges Job, in essence saying:  come on, you who know so much, answer me this!  Of course, Job doesn’t have all the answers and neither do we.  That’s where our faith in Divine Providence comes in.

We are reminded through the book of Job that some of our experiences in life may be incomprehensible.  Sometimes, the choices we make are the underlying cause of our experiences but many times we just can’t explain them nor can we understand them.   Through Job, we are reminded that God is in control and our job is not to question but to trust in Divine Providence and “go with the flow”, accepting and surrendering to God’s will for our lives.  Easier said than done, for sure and for anyone going through a difficult time at present, I believe I run the risk of seeming like I’m writing all fluff – trust this, surrender that.  In light of that thought, let us pause for a moment to think about God’s creation and how often we actually DO “go with the flow” and trust when things are going well – so why should our difficult moments be any different?

The human body, for one, performs miraculously every single day and we don’t even have to think about it.  From our breathing, to sight, to all the senses and beyond.  Each moment we take a breath, God breathing in us, we trust that our next breath will come.  We go with the flow.  We trust that the sun will rise in the east every morning and set in the west every evening and because of this we wake in the morning and go to sleep in the evening.  We go with the flow.  I’ll leave the rest to you, you get the point.  The God I believe in set this whole universe in motion – humans, the birds of the air, the fish in the sea, the stars in the sky…………He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent!

We may not always see how God is working in our lives, we may not always have the answers and we may never know why we suffer certain things.  Despite the questions, if we remember to remain grateful for the myriad of things going well and come back to the idea of “God’s will be done”, He will grace us with the strength to get through ANYTHING.  The bible says, it is in our weakness that we are made strong!  Embrace the challenges of life knowing you will come out on the other side – better than before.  But also remember you cannot do it alone, remember the famous quote, there but by the grace of God go I!  We can’t just sit home and wish things will get better, we have to allow ourselves to be guided by the Spirit.  We have to show God that we are placing our trust in Him, that we need Him.  He is waiting with open arms to love us and bless us with the graces only He can give but we have to be willing to receive them.  Go to mass, sit with Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament, read, read, read.  Learn about your faith, allow yourself to expand upon the knowledge given to you as a child.   The result is absolute AWESOMENESS!

My dogs Foster and Mellow, both australian cattle dogs, recently showed me the type of trust we humans need to have in God and my love for them has helped illustrate for me, the love Our Father has for us.  These guys wake up each and every morning trusting that we are going to feed them and give them to drink, trusting that they will have clean, comfy beds to sleep on and trusting in the love my husband and I have for them.  Do you think they worry about anything? (unless they do something wrong, of course, and even then I wonder!)  When they run off into the woods to play, they trust that we will either follow them or that we will still be there when they return.  These guys live their lives to the full, knowing they will be taken care of and all they have to do is show love and loyalty.  On the flip side, we love these pups beyond words, they bring us such joy, even when they mess up sometimes.  When I view my relationship with God in comparison to my relationship with my “children”, I see how it’s possible that God can love us soooooooo much no matter what  and I see just how much more I can and need to trust in Him.   Although I love my dogs regardless, I’m so happy when they show me love and loyalty – so I am also reminded of  how important it is to show God my love and loyalty.  Do your own comparison, I’m sure you’ll agree! God bless you!

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