Inspiration for your journey to God!

Tag: Psalm 139 (Page 1 of 2)

The parable of the lost sheep

the parable of the lost sheep
The Good Shepherd finds his sheep and rejoices!

The parable of the lost sheep is what the Church gives me to chew on today. Somehow though, I manage to connect the dots between today’s Gospel and my Jesse tree tradition (click here to see what I mean) and Advent readings.

matthew 18:12-14 – The parable of the lost sheep

What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.

My first thought after reading these verses was who are we to judge? Because in the verse before these, Jesus says “see that you do not despise one of these little ones……”

As followers of Christ, we sometimes get caught up in judgment and maybe even think it’s our “job” to convert someone we deem to be “lost.” But here Jesus tells us not to despise them, not to look down on them.

Psalm 139 my favorite!

Psalm 139 tells us in part: Darkness is not dark for you, and night shines as the day. Darkness and light are but one. You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are you works.

God created us! We are all precious in His sight. WE ARE ENOUGH! When we judge others (not just their person but their souls and whether or not we think they’re worthy of heaven), we’re basically saying what God created is not enough, that it’s not good. The audacity!

God sees no distinction – this psalm tells us light and dark are as one. It’s all the same to Him, the Creator of the universe. So, I’ll ask again, WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?

If we read and study Scripture and haven’t gotten the message yet, shame on us. What’s the message? The message is love, unity and non-judgment. If that’s not what we’re practicing, then we need to study harder and pray more.

Pray that God open our minds to the Truth that we are ALL God’s children. He loves us ALL the same and He pursues us constantly. Let us remember that it is not His will that ANY of us be lost. All in His time not ours.

samuel’s “conversion”

Samuel 3:1-18 shows how God persistently calls us but may not necessarily reveal Himself to us. Don’t you think it’s hard to respond to someone you don’t know is calling? You see, Samuel didn’t know who was calling Him. Scripture tells us “Samuel was not familiar with the Lord, because the Lord had not revealed anything to him yet.

Eventually, Eli comes to understand that Samuel doesn’t know who God is and simply instructs him. He instructs without judgment. Isn’t it interesting that it’s Eli who reveals to Samuel who God is? Once Samuel is made aware, he is able to respond directly to God.

our call to be light

So what are we to think about today? The lost sheep. Are they lost because of some wound, a past hurt, lack of knowledge? Could it be they’re lost because, like Samuel, God has not revealed Himself to them yet?

Whatever the reason, we should not judge. Let’s follow Eli’s example. God’s plans are not our plans. The truth is we are ALL His and He doesn’t will that any of us be lost. Trust in His promise. Let’s focus on being His light in the world without judgment. Who knows, He may want to use us to reveal Himself to a lost sheep! Are we ready?

God bless you!

Love can move mountains, literally and figuratively!

Love can move mountains!

Love can move mountains, literally and figuratively! So I continue to process my journey and along the way, the all-knowing, ever-present God, provides me with thoughts, words and people who continue to prod my memory just enough to reveal the lessons.

While on The Camino I reflected on God’s great love for me. It led me to share the following reflection on Tripcast:

Today I’m grateful for love! The kind of love that saves and the kind that sets free.

I am grateful for the love of Christ. The tremendous love that propelled Him to lay down His life for me. The kind of love that overflows and is infinitely merciful. A love I felt so intensely as I continued to move forward on The Way.

As my Camino journey nears its end, I reflect on how I got here. In trying to decide whether this 37 day journey was feasible for me – I was surprised to hear the words “DO IT” come out of my husband’s mouth.

As I walked everyday the first two weeks I couldn’t help but think of the deep love he had for me. A love so deep he was willing to set me free even if it hurt! Wow!

So in addition to Christ’s love, I’m so grateful for the love of my husband. A love so big and so deep he sacrificed routine/daily comforts and checked his PTSD at the door long enough for me to experience the journey for a lifetime! And for THAT I’m grateful!

Looking back

Pilgrims on the Camino often recall a familiar phrase: “the Camino provides.” The Camino most certainly does provide. The Camino provides companionship, it provides necessities, it provides encouragement through it’s beauty and the list goes on and on.

When I wrote that reflection on love, I was overwhelmed with emotion when I thought about the love I have been blessed to experience in my life. Just when I thought I’d reached my limit, the Camino provided something deeper.

I often tease my husband about the fact that he doesn’t remember what I tell him or that he’s clueless about the number of things I do on any given day to make his day go smoothly. My time away on the Camino changed all that.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear him acknowledge that he takes me for granted (something he never realized until then). I was even more surprised that he would remember small details of a conversation we’d had the previous day. Being away from home also made me realize just how much I take for granted as well. Our eyes and ears were opened and our hearts grew closer.

The love of Christ

One of the things I set out to do on this journey was to grow closer to God. Before this journey I often found myself overwhelmed with life, sometimes a bit anxious. I knew that these feelings were a result of my lack of trust in and surrender to God. I wanted to grow closer to Him in a way that would allow me to breathe easy knowing that He has control of my life. I’m happy to report that the Camino continues to provide.

I have a greater sense of peace now that I have returned to “normal life.” I remind myself often of the grace God provided on the journey, how He never let me go, how He carried me, how He moved mountains for me.

When I wrote about the kind of love that sets free in my original reflection, I was referring to my husband’s love for me. He never holds me back from anything I want to do. He often says “who am I to hold you back, I don’t own you.” So yes, while that relational love sets me free, the love of God sets me free in a completely different way.

I’m more dependent on God after my trip, knowing He has my best interests at heart. I’m trying not to control the outcome of anything. I am aware now more than ever that I was NEVER in control and so I’m surrendering more. I’m making a conscious effort to not desire recognition for anything. I find myself preferring anonymity. While that wasn’t the case just a few months ago, I recognize how liberating that is now!

What are your mountains?

On the Camino journey, I walked through actual mountains. At times, it felt grueling and at other times it felt invigorating. Nonetheless, those mountains are behind me now. They’ve been moved! In life, we all experience mountains as well. Figurative, of course. My personal mountains were stress, anxiety, control, fear. What are your mountains?

Looking ahead

Whatever the mountain may be, my experience has been that love can move mountains. Love is transformative. We just have to acknowledge that we are loved! Recognize it and it’s immensity.

Just yesterday, during prayer group, we discussed our favorite Psalm. My personal favorite is Psalm139 because it reminds me just how much I am valued and loved by God. He knit me in my mother’s womb. He CHOSE to create me. Everything He created is good and has a purpose. That includes me! How cool is that?

I think it’s important to remember that we are going to experience hills and valleys in life. This is true regardless of our purpose, even though He loves us and even though He created us with intention. Those hills and valleys are there to teach and transform us.

In a recent interview we had with Orange Magazine, my friend and I were asked if the struggles we experienced on The Camino changed us. Of course they did! Then my friend shared a quote that summed it all up:

God loves us just the way we are, but too much to let us stay that way!

Think about that the next time you start to wonder if God hears you, if God loves you or why He allows you to experience suffering. Love can move mountains! It has the power to transform us! God Bless you!
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