Inspiration for your journey to God!

Tag: rosary (Page 1 of 3)

A follower of Jesus!

I am a follower

I am a follower of Jesus! Did you ever stop to think about what that REALLY means? Of course you have! I thought I had too, until yesterday morning when I meditated with the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. When I think of being a follower of Jesus, I think of “checking all the boxes” – worship, prayer, obedience, charity, forgiveness. Don’t get me wrong, that’s all great stuff. But there’s more!

Yesterday as I prayed the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, the meditation for the third Mystery: the Proclamation of the Kingdom, talked about Jesus describing a Kingdom that is not of this world, a Kingdom that calls sinners, not the just. As I pondered the scene, it occurred to me that being a follower of Jesus means acknowledging and revealing our imperfections and faults to the world. How many times have we heard the phrase, “Jesus came to call sinners?” If we’ve answered that call, then what does that make us? Honor that.

The judgment

I often think of the criticism and judgment Christians receive when they stumble. Honestly, I don’t think anyone of us is immune from it. It’s that phrase that starts with “Oh, some Christian he or she is……….” Imagine if the whole world understood that Jesus CAME TO CALL SINNERS. What if when the whole world saw you following Jesus (because they witnessed you “checking all the boxes”) they saw a sinner and not a saint? As I write this, I think maybe that would change the way people view Church. Maybe we’re part of the problem – we reveal to the world a self-righteous part of ourselves and hide the shadow because we believe that’s what being a follower of Jesus warrants.

What a relief

I’m relieved to know that “checking the boxes” doesn’t mean I have to be perfect – incapable of making mistakes or giving in to temptations. I can be the walking contradiction I am and be okay. As long as I remain open to allow Jesus to work in me and transform my heart one tiny bit at a time, I’ll be fine. I’m a work in progress and that’s alright with Jesus!

Forgiveness is key

Forgiveness of self is an integral part of acknowledging and revealing to the world who we really are. Today’s daily meditation from the Center for Action and Contemplation expresses that beautifully.

Sin and grace

From now on I will view the title of SINNER as a privilege and an honor because Jesus calls ME, the sinner and He is faithful! No wonder Pope Francis’ first words to the world after being elected Pope were I AM A SINNER! He understood the importance and grace of that moment! I hope you can too! God bless you!

To Jesus through Mary – what?

to Jesus through Mary
To Jesus through Mary!

To Jesus through Mary is what many Catholics imagine when praying the Rosary or thinking about Jesus ‘ first miracle, the wedding feast at Cana. The phrase seems to imply that Mary is our conduit to Jesus or that without Mary we can’t “get” to Jesus. In a sense, that’s true. Think about what our lives would be like if Mary had said no – but that’s not what this post is about.

I recently contemplated what the phrase REALLY means for me. So, on this Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, I wanted to share some thoughts on that.

My Advent Journey

During my morning meditation several weeks ago, I was joyful because Christmas was a little over a week away and my Advent preparation has been amazing. I’ve been journeying through Advent with Mary through a book called Rejoice: Advent Meditations with Mary. The meditations helped me to truly focus on Mary’s wisdom. I was reminded of how she studied and prayed with scripture and how she pondered things in her heart. Mary possessed a strength, confidence and trust that allowed her to accept God’s will for her life. She was unwavering in her faith. Mary was a powerful example of discipleship for her son and she should be a powerful example for us!

So how do I translate “to Jesus through Mary?” What does it mean for me? Of course, through baptism we all begin to develop a relationship with Jesus and yes, we can go straight to Him in prayer. But for me, this phrase is more about how we become more like Him rather than how we approach Him in prayer.

A great example

As all mothers are examples for their children, Mary was an example for Jesus. Although Jesus was divine, He chose to become human for our sake. In His humanity, He chose to remain humble, as His mom was. He didn’t “drop names” to get what He wanted or to change the outcome of certain situations. Instead, He chose to remain human and follow His mom’s example of humility and trust in God.

Jesus was divine and thus, perfect – no doubt. His supernatural gifts came from the Father. But when He chose to become human He became subject to the same trials and temptations we are. Worse, He was subject to massive persecution. Despite all that, Jesus remained steadfast in faith. His faith was unwavering because He trusted in God’s promise. Sound familiar? Where do you think that came from? It came from His mother.

To Jesus through Mary?

So when I hear “to Jesus through Mary” now I think: How can I become more like Jesus? By looking to Mary, Jesus’ prime, shining example of humility, faith, strength and trust. In His humanity – He was who He was and how He was because of the example He had in His mother, Mary.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen! What a gem, scriptural in nature and the background music of the rosary.

Happy New Year! May this year be one of abundant blessings, good health and tremendous spiritual growth. Step out of your comfort zone this year – stretch yourself beyond your perceived limits. Remember God loves you and He’s with you every step of the way! God bless you!

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