
True Presence

Teach me to say Amen!  I couldn’t resist this one.  I was reading my prayerbook during Eucharistic Adoration today.  At times I sit in silence and at other times I read a short excerpt in my prayerbook as a prompt to contemplation.  Today’s excerpt was awesome:

Jesus, I am in your presence and to the full glory of that presence I say Amen.  I read somewhere that “Amen” is connected to an ancient word for pounding in a tent peg.  So when I say Amen, I’m not just saying “yes, I agree”; I’m saying “yes and I’ll stake my life on it.”  Jesus, every time I receive you at Mass and I respond “Amen,” help me to remember what that means.   I’m saying yes again to my baptism, yes with my very life.  I’m saying yes to being your disciple, to following you through death to life.  I’m saying yes to dying to my own desires and living for what you desire.  I’m saying  yes to living a life of compassion, forgiveness, and justice.  I’m saying yes so strongly, I’m staking my life on it.  Jesus, help me to understand more fully what that means in my life.  Amen.

I hope you are reminded of this the next time you say “Amen!”  God bless you!