As I was sitting this morning reading my bible, trying to decipher the meaning of the scripture verse I had just read, something came over me. I started to think about different times in my life that have led me to this point on my journey – where I have a passion to share faith, a desire to be better and a thirst for more.  The common denominator in all the situations (too many to list here) was a YES!

Three instances in particular stand out – first, when the deacon of my church approached and asked me to give a reflection before the entire parish, I had no idea what I would speak about or how I would put it all together, but immediately I said YES! Second, when I asked my pastor if I could start a meditation/reading group, he immediately said YES! Third, when I suggested to the group that we take a 14 hour drive to Kentucky to retreat in a monastery,  they immediately said YES!

My confidence in writing and sharing with others came from the feedback I received on that reflection (which I’ll share in another post), my progress in meditation came from the responsibility I have as leader of the group to remain steadfast in my practice (not to mention the sisterhood that’s been formed within the group) and the progress of my prayer life and heart center and the courage to shift gears in my professional life came from my trip to Kentucky!  ALL because of a simple YES!

As I pondered this truth, I realized the Virgin Mary also said YES!  She really didn’t know what would become of her given the circumstances, but she trusted that God would lead the way and He did. The result was amazing.  Sometimes we say no because we fear that the YES will take us out of our comfort zone.  However, as spiritual seekers, faithful people, if we want to continue to grow, to stretch our souls, comfort is not an option.  We worry about not being able to measure up, not being able to finish the race. We know we’re on a journey but we beat ourselves up because we’re so far from “arriving”, but we weren’t meant to ARRIVE while on this earth, we were meant to be transformed constantly and that can only happen with our YES! When the Spirit moves you in a way that leads you beyond your comfort – say YES! I know amazing things will happen if you do.  Salvation history tells me so. All you have to do is trust in Him!  God bless you.