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Why I Am Yours touched my heart

Why I am yours touched my heart and it's connection to the call to contemplation.
Finisterre, Spain

This is why I Am Yours touched my heart. When I first heard it, of course, I shared it with my husband because it’s a love song. We often share songs with one another that express how we feel about each other. Who doesn’t, right? One thing about my husband is he has a thing for deep songs that tell touching stories. They’re not all love songs either. I’d say he has a knack which I don’t possess. When I heard this one I said to myself “finally I got one he’s really going to like” and I was right.

But as I drove through my neighborhood a few weeks ago, this song touched my heart. It was more about a different kind of love. The love I have for Christ (of course, because He loved me first!). Let me explain (lyrics in italics):

Our purpose

Just another love song from a simple man
I been searching for some chords underneath these hands
So I can try to tell you I love you
– when I first heard the song, I thought “chords” was “cause” – so I supposed this verse could be about our trying to find our purpose in life. Finding a purpose that makes the world a better place. Our way of saying, I love you enough to give back. A sense of gratitude for all the gifts and blessings in our lives.

He breathes life into us

You know I need you, Like your oxygen
Be my atmosphere, Let me breath you in
So I can try to tell you I love you
. Every breath we take is actually God breathing life into us. We are called to focus on that truth by being still and allowing Him to bubble up inside of us. This is our way of saying God I love you. I love you enough to sit still. I want to allow you to transform me into the person you created me to be.

Finding our way

I been lost, I been found, But I know I am now, I am yours
I am yours, Now and always,
– Lost and found, the hills and valleys in our lives. We seek, we find, we lose again and the journey continues. Eventually, if we allow God to work in us, we come to a point where we trust, we grow and we become aware of our unity. God is no longer someone “out there”, He is here with us always, in our hearts.

Wouldn’t dream to be anything more. You take my breath away every night. Still can’t believe it when you say your mine. And I am yours, I am yours, I am yours. Our final resting place is humility. When we consent to God’s action and presence in our lives, we become one with Him. We are humbled by the prospect that we are His tabernacle. Through that humility we gain peace.

Living unaware

I was free falling through the open sky
‘Til you smiled at me and you saved my life and I
Knew I was put here to love you
. We spend most of our lives free falling through life, until we finally commit to make Christ our center. Only then can we honestly say that we are saved. We were created to love Him and making Him our center is how we do that.

There is nothing hidden

You got the universe swimming in your eyes
Im an open book when you look in mine
You’ll find that I was put here to love you
. There is nothing we can keep hidden from Him. The sooner we acknowledge faults, seeking Him in all things, the sooner we get to truly live in His love.

Stepping out touched my heart

There is something special that happens to you when you consciously choose to step outside of your comfort zone. I did that several years ago when I decided to start meditating. I did it several months ago when I decided to do the Camino. Both times I did it because I felt called to grow closer to God and I was NOT disappointed! He touched my heart.

Sometimes when I mention meditation or contemplation to people I get the predictable response. “Not for me.” “Can’t sit still.” “Contemplation is not for everyone.” I often accepted that. However, lately I’ve been getting the sense that it’s not so true. Contemplation IS for EVERYONE!

It takes dedication, it takes work, it takes practice but it is for everyone. To say that it’s not for you is a cop-out. In my opinion, it’s your saying no to God’s pursuit of you. Maybe contemplation AS A MONK is not for you. I get it, you weren’t meant to live in a monastery. But you were meant for deeper union with God (which is what contemplation is).

Be encouraged! Be still and know that He is God! Show Him how much you really love Him by stepping out of your comfort zone. Consent to His action and presence in your life. Take a few minutes each day to just sit in silence. He’s closer to you than you are to yourself (St. Augustine). He has great things in store for you if you would only let Him “bubble over” in you! Tell Him “I am yours!” He touched my heart when I did. God bless you!

1 Comment

  1. Anna Scharfenberger

    Lovely reflection! Thank you!

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